Rally Sunday - September 8, 2024
Our kick-off event for educational programming at First Lutheran!
9:00 am - Worship including Blessing of the Backpacks
After worship - Join us outside for fun and treats!
Sunday School
Sundays, 10-11am
To encourage our students in their faith we meet for an interactive opening before breaking into small groups for the day's lesson.
Our Sunday School Ministry is open to students from ages 3 - Grade 6.
Wednedays, 3-5pm
Kids First Club (Kids for Christ)!
Open to students: K-4th Grade.
Register at the church office
Includes snack time, a Bible lesson, and choir.
Need more information?
Contact our Coordinator of Children's Ministry, Heidi Berge at heidi.berge@firstlc.org or 507-398-7632.