We are so excited that you have decided to serve at First Lutheran Church! It’s vital that you get plugged in where God has gifted you and to serve within the church, the community and beyond. By serving at FLC, you’ll make a difference in the body of Christ and will build relationships and grow spiritually.
It’s easy to get involved, and you’ll love the way God will use you as you serve Him here at FLC.
Personnel Committee: Duties of this board include: overseeing staff needs to support the mission and ministry of FLC.
Cemetery Board: Duties of this board include: overseeing & administrating all the affairs of Lake City Oakwood Cemetery owned by First Lutheran Church.
Finance Board: Duties of this board include: managing the budget, monitor the income versus expenditure of church funds, recommend handling of any special funds, make recommendations to the council on any budget adjustments, expenditures, approves equipment and asset expenditures over $200.
Lay Ministry Board: Duties of this board include: responding to the spiritual and temporal needs of the pastor and congregational members.
Learning & Youth Board: Duties of this board include: planning and administering the educational ministry of the congregation, determining policies, directing and supervising the educational program of the congregation in the work of Chirst, providing for spiritual growth and nurture, and promoting Christian fellowship among the young people of the congregation and community.
Mission Endowment Fund Board: Duties of this board include: overseeing and administering all the affairs of the First Lutheran Endowment Fund. Income form the Mission Endowment Fund can be used to extend the mission of the congregation beyond expenditures supported through regular offerings to community programs, institutional ministries and other works of the church at home and abroad.
Outreach Board: Duties of this board include: reaching out to members of community to encourage participation in an organized church body and encouraging members of our congregation to spread the Gospel in the community.
Property Board: Duties of this board include: maintenance of church, education building, parking lot, lawn mowing, snow removal and care of all church owned equipment.
Stewardship Board: Duties of this board include: initiating programs for the develpment of good stewardship attitudes and practices of the members of the congreation in regard to time, talen, and money; and ensuring the financial stability of the congregation.
Worship Board: Duties of this board include: planning and administering the worship ministry of the congregation, as those gathered together as "the priesthood of believers", and training and equipping members of all ages for meaningful participation in worship.